Oak honey is a powerful and strong-tasting honey. Its dark color becomes lighter when the honey crystallizes. It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain it in Provence. It is in high demand among discerning consumers and insiders. Our Oak honey is harvested from the Sainte Baume massif, south side of Marseille. It is a product full of antioxidants and trace elements. Particularly recommended for tired and anemic people or seasoned athletes. It is perfect for boosting physical fitness and the general condition of our body.
The engagements from “The Honey of Kings”
- EACH of our honeys is ALWAYS harvested by ONE beekeeper and its traceability is monitored and guaranteed.
- raw honey, cold extracted, coarsely filtered to preserve all its taste and nutritional qualities.
- NONE of our honeys are pasteurized or mixed with other honeys
- honey offered in a short circuit, guaranteed "harvesting beekeeper"
- artisanal harvesting method, respectful of bees.
- possible presence of pollen particles or beeswax in certain pots (rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for our body
- produced WITHOUT additives or artificial flavors, nor added essential oils.
- fair trade with our partner beekeepers
Origin: the Sainte Baume massif, Provence, France