Artisanal lemon tree honey from Sicily, Italy. Light and sublime taste. It is highly recommended for relieving sore throats, flu-like conditions and strengthening our immune system*.
THE ENGAGEMENTS from “The honey of kings” - Marseille :
- EACH of our honeys is harvested by ONE beekeeper and its traceability is monitored and guaranteed.
- NONE of our honeys are pasteurized or mixed with other honeys
- honey offered in a short circuit, guaranteed "harvesting beekeeper"
- raw honey, cold extracted, coarsely filtered to preserve all its taste and nutritional qualities.
- artisanal harvesting method, respectful of bees.
- possible presence of pollen particles or beeswax in certain pots (rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for our body) .
origin: Sicily, Italy
* This is not a medicine. If you have a health problem, please contact your doctor.